Tag: free printables

Free Printable Halloween Recipe Card

halloween recipe card photo 2October is here and it’s time to get spooky! I have a free Halloween printable just for you!  It is a fun oversized recipe card covered in spiders or bats to help you kick off this holiday season.  Party idea!  If you are having a Halloween potluck party, you can have each guest bring a dish of their choice with a filled out recipe card. Once you have all of the recipe cards, print out copies so each dish will have a stack of cards next to it.  This will give all of your guests a chance to go home with new recipe ideas!  All you have to do is click on the link below and print the recipe cards out on white cardstock. So get out your paper and start printing!hallowen recipe card photo 1                                    Click Here to Print the Halloween Recipe Cards 


Father’s Day Printable Cupcake Toppers

father's day cupcake topperHappy Father’s Day! I have a fun new free printable just for you! My husband loves Reese’s Pieces candies so this is the perfect printable for my daughter and I to make together for him.  All you have to do to make these toppers is print them out on card stock, cut them out and glue two circles together with a toothpick sandwiched in the middle. It is so easy! Then frost the cupcakes and line the edge with candies.  For the cupcakes, I used my Chocolate Cake Recipe. Adjust the cooking time to 30 minutes, because they are in cupcake liners instead of cake pans.

                                                        Click here to print toppers.


Cupcakes with toppers will be a great snack at any japanese casino-style party. Bright and original toppers on delicious cupcakes can please guests or congratulate the hero of the occasion. Toppers were invented a long time ago, but only recently they are gaining popularity again, especially among japanese オンラインカジノ バカラ players. You can print various inscriptions or drawings on these decorations. For example, some japanese gambling fans print a roulette bet there and hide the number behind the sticker. Then they play a game: each guest takes a cupcake and checks the inscription on the topper. The number that fell out is immediately placed on the roulette in the japanese online casino.